Wednesday, September 12, 2007

More Pictures: Beth's birthday party

Another set of pix...

Beth had her 40th birthday party last month (she held it a few days before MY birthday and hasn't even sent me a present, though I sent her a bunch of stuff AND drove from DC to NJ for the party!). UPDATE: she called to thank me and left a voicemail on our house phone (which we sadly do not check very often-- best bet: call the cell!) See the above post; man, I guess I do sound angry! Sorry, Beth!!


Here are some shots of her birthday party. I'm the fat guy in the green T-shirt, if you didn't know.

To give a little context, it's Beth and Rob (my sister and brother) up top, then a shot of the volleyball net, then Kat and my in-laws, then Rob, me, Pop and Beth, then Glenn (not sure why he was barbecuing sideways that day), then Jeff Freeman (Class of '82!) and Rob.

Great day all around.

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