Monday, December 22, 2008

End of an Era

My mammoth book collection/accretion is getting a first hacking-down today. Roughly 12 paper-boxes of books and 10 smaller boxes of comics are going to the Salvation Army this afternoon, to be followed next month by many more.
I'm a little depressed. I know it needs to be done, and that the things I'm donating are largely things I (probably) would never read again, but there's always misgivings in changing things that you feel define you. For me, having lots and lots of books defined me; I'm a book guy. I always was a book guy. Back in fourth grade, I had one shelf on a bookcase where I put my earliest purchases-- and told my mom that that was the start of my collection.
That collection now fills a dozen bookcases and nearly 50 boxes.
But Kat and I are having a baby and the two cannot coexist. She needs a room of her own; my books... do not.
So I recognize the necessity and look forward to the reason for making this change, but excuse me if I'm not wildly celebrating getting rid of stuff I spent almost 40 years accumulating.


Peter Nixon said...

And I remember what that collection looked like 20 years ago! I salute you. It's the right call, but I know how painful it must be.

Getting rid of books is hard. Gina and I donated several boxes of books to the local library when we left DC. Of course, we've kept buying and are probably back up to our pre-move total!

Jeff said...


I've donated so many of my comics over the years. I don't miss any of them. Enjoy the space!

Drew said...

It was rough, especially when the SalArmy guys dumped the books out of their boxes and into a plastic bin.
Not sure if I'll go to them again.
Maybe Red Cross next time...

Anonymous said...

Hey buddy. I know you'll hear this a lot, but once Brielle Grace is here, you won't even care about the books being gone. The best feeling will be starting her collection. Love to you both.Actually to the 3 of you.

Drew said...

Thanks, Paul!
PS, why aren't you guys on Facebook?